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When we experience a sensitive encounter with an artistic piece, the accuracy of what the artist saw from his own tremor is awakened in the depths of our spirit. José Lezama Lima takes the pen as if it was a brush and draws on the canvas of his work Paradiso a poetic narrative that incites our sensibility. The presence of a vanitas in the first and seventh chapters stimulates us beyond the intellectual recognition of this plastic appearance. The theme of life as vanity, the memento mori that comes with this vanitas, is transmitted as a messa-ge of the disappointment of the world, touching our deepest and most human fibers.

María Del Mar Rodríguez-Zárate, Universidad de Monterrey

María del Mar Rodríguez-Zárate cursa actualmente la Licenciatura en Letras en la Universidad de Monterrey. Sus áreas de investigación comprenden literatura, arte y estética. Publicó en 2016 el artículo titulado “Por qué enamorarse del hilo extraviado de una cabellera rubia: El valor de la literatura grecolatina en nuestros tiempos” en la Revista Grama 22º y participó en la ceremonia de develación de placa del Premio Alfonso Reyes en honor a Sergio Pitol, con ponencia titulada “Las máscaras sociales y axiomáticas en la narrativa de Sergio Pitol”.

Rodríguez-Zárate, M. D. M. (2018). A look at the memento mori of paradiso: the vanitas and its transmission of the disappointment of the world. Poligramas, (47), 99–116.