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The essays Nosotras... y la piel (1919), Las dulces mujeres (1919) and El amor y la mujer (1920) of Alfonsina Storni, published in feminine sections of press, are configured as texts with a style and transgressive speech that They question the androcentric paradigms that defined feminine subjectivity at the time. From the notion of gender performativity, proposed by Judith Butler, we analyze enunciative strategies such as irony and the use of a masculine pseudonym by means of which Storni manages to disarticulate in these essays the prescriptive discourse that characterized these sections and situate oneself in the field of questioning about gender identity.

Angélica María Grajales-Ramos, Universidad del Valle

Angélica María Grajales Ramos es Licenciada en Literatura y estudiante de segundo semestre de Maestría en Literaturas Colombiana y Latinoamericana de la Universidad del Valle.

Grajales-Ramos, A. M. (2018). Alfonsina Storni’s essay writing approach in light of Judith Butler’s gender performativity. Poligramas, (47), 83–98.