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The relations between Leopoldo Alas and the Catalan intellectual field at the end of the 19th century reveal certain recurrent mechanisms of the writer from Oviedo around the nationalism of his time. Clarín’s statements about the Catalan language —between epistolary privacy and its open critical postulates— allow us to think about the contradictions of the liberal framework in relation to the concept of hispanidad, its limits and its defense.

Mariano Saba, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Mariano Saba es Doctor en Letras por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Diploma de Honor). Actualmente se desempeña como Investigador Asistente de CONICET con su estudio sobre “Leopoldo Alas y el nacionalismo español: la crítica clariniana entre la hispanidad y los Modernismos(s)”, radicada en el Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas “Dr. Amado Alonso” de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA).

Saba, M. (2018). The hispanity of the others: around Leopoldo Alas “Clarín” and the catalan language. Poligramas, (47), 117–136.