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In our article we propose to do a comparative literature research on the relationship between poetry and short story in three great Latin American writers: Joao Guimaraes Rosa, Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Roberto Bolaño. Our question focuses on reflecting on the place of poetry (as a reading, as a search for meaning and as a praxis of writing) in three great contemporary narrators. For this we will focus on his first short story books, exploring through files, the germ and the creation of a style with poetic resonances that characterizes his later works in monumental novels like Gran serton vereda, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Autumn of the Patriarch , The wild detectives and 2666.

Julio Alberto Bejarano, Instituto Caro y Cuervo

Doctor en Filosofía y estética de la Universidad París 8 con una tesis sobre Roberto Bolaño. Dirige la línea de investigación en “literatura comparada” en el Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Su último libro se titula: “Antología y estudio crítico de la revista de artes y literatura Espiral (1944-1954)”, Editorial Sílaba- (Beca de investigación en literatura, Idartes), 2018. Profesor visitante en el doctorado de literatura de la Universidad federal de Minas Gerais en Brasil.

Bejarano, J. A. (2019). The place of poetry in the story: Guimaraes Rosa, García Márquez and Roberto Bolaño. Poligramas, (49), 185–198.